Selecting the Correct Connector for Your IsoTek Power Cable
Posted by Tim Schroeder on
Need help selecting the correct connector for your Isotek power cable? I'm here to help!
While selecting the correct connector may seem confusing Isotek has done us all a favor by making their cables available with the three most common ends, so all you have to do is pick the right one.
The C7 connector has the smallest amp side plug on it and is known as the figure 8 connector in the hi-fi world it's typically found on older receivers tape decks etc. There are a few modern components with this type of end though they are few and far between.

The C13 is the most common power cable end for musical instrument amplifiers and hifi gear it's what comes standard on most electronics these days including desktop computers. If you've got a grounded detachable power cord it's most likely to have this end on it.
The C13 Power Cable End
The C19 connector is less common end. It's primarily used in applications where a higher current draw is required this can include larger power amplifiers power distribution strips or components isolation transformers and the like. It has a larger squarish end on it when compared to the c13 which is more of a small square with angled shoulders.
The C19 Power Cable End
I hope you found Selecting the Correct Connector for Your IsoTek Power Cable helpful and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance finding the right cable for you.