Premier Guitar Articles
What to Expect from a Repair Shop - Premier Guitar Article
Posted by Tim Schroeder on
So, you’ve moved to a new town or perhaps found that your current guitar or amp tech isn’t quite up to your standards. Maybe you have a particularly special project that you simply would not trust to just any repair shop. If you live in a larger city, you may have the luxury of having access to several decent facilities to choose from. If not, perhaps you’ll be scanning the internet and be considering shipping your beloved instrument to someone in another town, state or even country.
Sprucing Up Your Amp for Touring - Premier Guitar
Posted by Tim Schroeder on
Temperatures are warming, music festivals are on the rise, and summer is officially around the corner. Working bands will be hitting the road and taking to the sky, spreading their music across the world. But is their gear up for the task? Gear is the lifeblood for any band—without it, musicians cannot do their job and make a living. And while no piece of gear is completely “bullet-proof,” there are steps we can take to ensure our gear possesses the most important quality it can have on the road—reliability.
Tube Amp Buying Basics - Premier Guitar
Posted by Tim Schroeder on
So you are in the market for a new tube guitar amplifier. Perhaps you are new to the electric guitar and need your first amp. You may have decided to switch from a solid-state amplifier to a tube amp. Or maybe you have just outgrown, or need a change from your current tube amp. With all the choices out there, there are a few guidelines to consider. Let’s start by figuring out what our goal is, and then look at amp characteristics and their effect on performance.
Adventures in Amplification: Don’t Overlook the Cables - Premier Guitar
Posted by Tim Schroeder on
With all of the things that people have to alter, shape, and color their guitar tone, often times not a lot of thought is given to the actual path that leads to all of these components to begin with: wires. It may be easy to dismiss the importance of the quality of this path as simply “wire is wire,” but that would be shortchanging the value of what it is that is actually carrying your signal to all those components that you worked so hard to obtain.
Adventures in Amplification: Lineage of a Dumble OD-100WR - Premier Guitar
Posted by Tim Schroeder on
Every so often we are asked at the shop to do some detective work to try and find the lineage and history of an instrument or amplifier. Such is the case with two Dumble amplifiers that crossed our threshold recently. The owner is considering putting one or both of them up for sale, and is acquiring information to provide prospective buyers. The first is an Overdrive Special head with an EL34 output stage, the is an OD-100WR combo. For the sake of this article, we will be focusing on the purple, suede-covered, OD-100WR combo.