Piega Premium Loudspeakers

The Piega Premium Loudspeaker Series combines the latest chassis technology and a 30 percent increase in the rigidity of the aluminum cabinet design, which endows the Premium Series with absolutely superb sound quality.
While Piega's tried and true LDR 2642 MKII tweeter is used in the smaller models, the new LDR 3056 ribbon tweeter makes its inaugural appearance in the flagship of the series – the Premium 701. Detailed improvements have also been made to the low midrange driver, which has also been specially adapted to the new cabinets and tweeters. The MDS cone drivers, which have been specially designed for long stroke movements even in medium-sized rooms, ensure impulsive, dynamic, and powerful bass performance.
If you have any questions regarding Piega Premium Loudspeakers, please don't hesitate and reach out! Call me at 847-217-8985.